Join Us

The LVDL is an association for Civil Defense Attorneys only. All applications will be screened for compliance. Membership in Las Vegas Defense Lawyers is regulated per its bylaws.

Membership Types

Regular Members
Independent counsel in practice for more than five years

Young Lawyers
In practice 0-5 years

Member Benefits

Join LVDL today and enjoy the benefits of membership:

  1. Share strategies with other defense lawyers in a defense-only forum!
  2. Share information about expert witnesses and mediators!
  3. Download forms, sample documents and more!
  4. Attend free CLE on key topics!
  5. Get first access to the latest developments in civil defense before it breaks anywhere else!

Online Application

If you'd prefer to print out and mail in an application you can download here.

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name



Password (8 characters minimum)

DRI Member

Position or Title




Preferred Pronouns

Law School

Year Graduated Law School

Undergraduate School

Year of Undergraduate Degree

Degree Received

Bar Admission Date (Nevada)

Bar Number (Nevada)

Percentage of time devoted to handling claims or lawsuits

If accepted to membership, do you agree to abide by the By-Laws of the Association?

Membership Type

LVDL Member Sponsor (if applicable)

Would you like to be listed in the LVDL member directory visible to the public?

Details to show

Firm (choose from list or enter new firm details)

New Firm Details

Firm Name

Firm Address

Firm City

Firm State/Province

Firm Postal Code

Firm Country

Firm Billing Contact Name

Firm Billing Contact Title

Firm Billing Contact Email

Practice Areas

Alternative Dispute Resolution/Mediation

Appellate Advocacy

Bad Faith/Coverage Disputes

Business/Commercial Litigation

Civil Rights/Government Liability

Construction Defect

Corporate Compliance

Corporate/Staff/In-House Counsel

Employment Law

Energy Law

ERISA, Life, Health and Disability

General Liability

Health Care Law/Medical Liability


Nursing Home

Personal Injury Defense

Products Liability

Professional Liability

Toxic Tort


Workers' Compensation

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