It's about time.

An association of civil defense attorneys in Nevada is here, and it's going to help all of us save time, build stronger cases, and defend our clients better.  Las Vegas Defense Lawyers (LVDL) is proud to announce a successful first year as an organization.  So far, more than 125 attorneys in Clark County and Northern Nevada have joined together to create an alliance of strength.  We invite you to join us too.  This website was created to enable us to share news of our activities and information about the local legal landscape with other members, associate members, the local legal community and the public.  In addition, members can use the website to access exclusive documents, strategy discussions, news, tips and much more all in a private, DEFENSE ONLY forum.  Every membership application will be screened to ensure only civil defense attorneys and firms have access to our database of resources.  This is our time. We're here to stay. Join the association, and gain strength in numbers.  You'll find our online application below.  If you'd prefer to print out and mail in an application you can download here.

The LVDL is an association for Civil Defense Attorneys only.

All applications will be screened for compliance.


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